Monday, March 9, 2020

Free Essays on What Is The Catholic Teaching Concerning Conscience. When Does Conscience Come Into Play In Making Moral Decisions.

One of the most important things in out lives is the ability to make decisions. They can range from small, insignificant choices like what to have for lunch or can be career decisions that could change the course of your life. But one thing is for certain. Many people take the liberty of making decisions for granted. In countries like Australia we have almost full decision making ability. Whereas in countries that are experiencing political or economic turmoil many people cannot make decisions because they are not allowed. So from this we can say that decision making is one of Gods most valuble gifts to us. But decision making is not always a blessing. Some decisions may affect us emotionally. These are decisions that concern moral issues. Moral issues are all about the right thing to do, and the wrong thing to do. Moral decisions may be about whether you should get drunk with some friends or have sex with a person at a party. They are hard decisions to make and often you can be tempted by peer group pressure or similar pressures. Moral Decisions are a really good test of a persons willpower. But we have one gift to help us with decisions. It is our conscience. Our conscience is the voice that tells you the right thing to do in most situations. Using your conscience may be reffered to as your gut feeling, or listening to your heart. Either way it is a voice from deep within you that knows right from wrong and it often pays to listen to it.. The church sees the conscience as the voice of the true self and something that must be followed. They teach that the conscience is a valuble gift from God and you should follow it because it will not lead you astray. You can rely on your conscience to make the right decision. Not nessesarily the decision that is best for you. But the decicion that is morally right. But as anything else that is human. The conscience can go astray. There are situations where a conscience may become distorted t... Free Essays on What Is The Catholic Teaching Concerning Conscience. When Does Conscience Come Into Play In Making Moral Decisions. Free Essays on What Is The Catholic Teaching Concerning Conscience. When Does Conscience Come Into Play In Making Moral Decisions. One of the most important things in out lives is the ability to make decisions. They can range from small, insignificant choices like what to have for lunch or can be career decisions that could change the course of your life. But one thing is for certain. Many people take the liberty of making decisions for granted. In countries like Australia we have almost full decision making ability. Whereas in countries that are experiencing political or economic turmoil many people cannot make decisions because they are not allowed. So from this we can say that decision making is one of Gods most valuble gifts to us. But decision making is not always a blessing. Some decisions may affect us emotionally. These are decisions that concern moral issues. Moral issues are all about the right thing to do, and the wrong thing to do. Moral decisions may be about whether you should get drunk with some friends or have sex with a person at a party. They are hard decisions to make and often you can be tempted by peer group pressure or similar pressures. Moral Decisions are a really good test of a persons willpower. But we have one gift to help us with decisions. It is our conscience. Our conscience is the voice that tells you the right thing to do in most situations. Using your conscience may be reffered to as your gut feeling, or listening to your heart. Either way it is a voice from deep within you that knows right from wrong and it often pays to listen to it.. The church sees the conscience as the voice of the true self and something that must be followed. They teach that the conscience is a valuble gift from God and you should follow it because it will not lead you astray. You can rely on your conscience to make the right decision. Not nessesarily the decision that is best for you. But the decicion that is morally right. But as anything else that is human. The conscience can go astray. There are situations where a conscience may become distorted t...

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